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el testament d’ameilia
阿美利亚的遗言  detail>>
 n.  1.契约;誓约。 2.〔T-〕【宗教】(基督教)圣约书,旧约全书或新约全书。 3.〔口语〕一部新约全书。 4.【法律】遗言,遗嘱。...  detail>>
塞布哈  detail>>
ed dār el baida
卡萨布兰加  detail>>
allograph testament
代书遗嘱  detail>>
das testament
德语小说  detail>>
dictated testament
代笔遗嘱  detail>>
execution of testament
遗嘱的执行  detail>>
guardian by testament
遗嘱指定监护人  detail>>
heiligenstadt testament
海里根遗书  detail>>
holographed testament
自书遗嘱  detail>>
inofficious testament
不尽道德义务的遗嘱  detail>>
inter testament
两约之间  detail>>
last will and testament
遗言 遗嘱  detail>>
military testament
军人遗嘱, 服兵役时所立遗嘱  detail>>
mystic testament
密封遗嘱  detail>>
new testament
(基督教《圣经》的)《新约全书》。   detail>>
notary testament
公证遗属  detail>>